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Prefab Solutions
Let us do your plumbing!
Thanks to our experience, we can provide prefab panels in which the sensors are built in under the best conditions.
You could select your connections, which side, pump racks, corrosion racks, injection points, ...
Standard and custom configurations are available with many options to give your installation a high quality professional appearance.
Next to the prefab panel solutions, we offer prefab systems that are made for specific applications.
AFS drawing
The AFS flushing stations can improve water quality by flushing water lines periodically using a programmable timer with a wide range of automatic activation times. An overflow sensor will automatically stop flushing.
Datasheet AFS System
AFS Automatic Flushing System
FCD Flow Controlled Dosing
FCD Flow Controlled Dosing station
MicroLinx L series dosing pump
FCD Flow Controlled Dosing station
The pulse water meter is connected directly to the pump.
The MicroLinx Series L pumps provide a reliable, affordable product addition for a wide variety of applications.
Examples of applications include:
Hydrogen peroxide dosing in water line
Adding medicines/vitamins in farms
Adding fertilizers in greenhouses
Datasheet FCD System
Timed Sampling Conductivity Control for Evaporative Condensers allow for a simple installation without a sample loop using timed sampling control.
Datasheet EVC System
EVC Evaporator Condensors System
CFS Chemical Filling Systems
Safe and easy filling of your fixed chemical tanks
Controlled Air Operated Double Diaphragm Filling pump
Overfilling protection
Jerrycan to store the suction lance when not in use
Datasheet CFS System
Prefab Solutions
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